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Common Summer Plumbing Issues and What You Can Do to Prevent Them


When you think of all the problems you might face this summer, plumbing issues might be at the bottom of your list. While it may not seem like it, homeowners can see a lot of plumbing problems during the hottest months of the year. Here are a few of the most common, and what you can do to prevent them from happening:

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Clogged Garbage Disposal

Some of the best things about the summer are the cookouts and all of the barbecued food you get to eat. However, all of that leftover food (no matter how organic it is) can cause damage to your garbage disposal. Corn husks, onion skins, lettuce, and banana peels are just a handful of foods you might feel compelled to dump down your drain this summer and will cause your disposal’s blades to become damaged. Other substances that will cause issues are cooking oils. So, soon after you’re done frying those fries to eat along with your cheeseburger, DO NOT pour the leftover oil down the drain—put it in the trash along with those corn husks, onion skins, lettuce, and banana peels!

Broken Washing Machine

Because of all of the traveling you’re doing this summer (or not), and the kids wearing anything but their school uniforms, etc., your washing machine might be getting a good workout. With all of the extra clothes your machine will be washing, you should make it a point to stay at home to stop it in the event it starts functioning incorrectly. Sometimes, a broken washing machine can be avoided just by stopping it in the middle of a cycle!

Over-worked Water Heater & Plumbing

Those extra loads of wash can also do a number on your home’s water heater. Most plumbing leaks in a home develop over time due to the normal course of wear-and-tear: the extra loads of wash every summer can simply accelerate the process. Make sure to check your water hear, and the area around, for any signs of water. If you find any water, act immediately!

Sump Pumps & Loss of Power

Many of us trust in our home’s sump pumps to keep our basements from flooding during summer-time rain storms. Is your pump ready? Make sure your pump is ready by pouring water into the pump until it starts to pump the water out.

But what about the worse-case scenario: what is the plan when the storm is so bad your home loses power? Today, emergency back-up solutions include both battery back-up and pumps that use water pressure (instead of electricity) to pump out the water.

When looking for a plumber that serves Burlington County, or a plumber in Camden County, look no further than us here at Hutchinson Plumbing Heating Cooling! To learn more about how you can prevent any plumbing issues this summer, or have one of our plumbers come out and diagnose any issues, please dial 866-953-8728.
