Lindenwold Public Schools Goes Green with Direct Install

Lindenwold Public Schools
Goes Green with
Direct Install


Project value – $265,546

NJCEP Direct Install incentives: $155,630


  • LED lighting
  • HVAC replacement
    of 7 RTUs with new
    high-efficiency RTUs
  • Replacement of one
    existing 2M BTU boiler
    with downsized 850,000
    BTU high-efficiency boiler
  • 7 new programmable
    thermostats & aerators
  • Pipe insulation
  • Fuel-use economizers for
    all new RTUs

Direct Install paid 59% of upgrades

Project payback: 6.39 years

Estimated annual savings:

  • $17,183 annually
  • 100,027 Kwh savings
  • 12,940 therms
  • Reduction of carbon
    footprint 154.9 metric

Every year, Lindenwold Public Schools finds ways to protect its infrastructure while balancing annual operating budgets.

The PreK-12 school district in Camden County owns four school buildings. So, when two of the 1960-era schools – Elementary School 4 and Elementary School 5 – started showing their age, the school administration took action and sought out cost-effective solutions to ensure a comfortable learning environment for its staff and students for years to come.

Enter: Direct Install from New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program. After Hutchinson conducted an energy assessment confirming eligibility for the 15-year-old boilers and 20+ year old rooftop units,  the crew installed a new high-efficiency boiler and seven energy efficiency rooftop HVAC units. Hutchinson also upgraded the schools’ interior and exterior lighting to 100% LED and recessed lighting. The LED lighting not only reduces maintenance and energy costs, but also provides a superior lighting output.

“Direct Install paid for almost 80% of the project,” said Pete Hatton, Hutchinson’s Director of Commercial services. “The installation of energy-efficiency boilers, HVAC units and LED lighting will be a money-saver for the school district for years to come.”

“The NJ Direct Install Program through Hutchinson provided us with a robust incentive program to upgrade some of our older mechanical equipment which will now operate more efficiently.” said Kathleen Huder, Business Administrator/Board Secretary of Lindenwold Board of Education. “It’s a responsible and effective strategy to save taxpayers’ money while maintaining their school buildings. The upgraded equipment will now also generate further energy and maintenance savings each year. We are thankful to have had this opportunity.”

The NJ Direct Install Program through Hutchinson provided us with a robust incentive program to upgrade some of our older mechanical equipment which will now operate more efficiently.”

Kathleen Huder
Lindenwold Board of Education