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Proud Juvenile Diabetes Research Supporter Hutchinson Asks the Community to Join the Movement to End Type 1 Diabetes


Meet Asher Costello, a young boy from Philadelphia diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes who has been battling this autoimmune disease since he was just three years old. His parents Brian and Dava initially thought Asher had a virus, but he just kept getting sicker and sicker. Since diagnosis, Asher and his family have become avid supporters and are extremely thankful for the work spearheaded by the JDRF, which currently includes working on developments in smart insulin and the artificial pancreas project. One day the Costello’s hope to find a cure, so Asher does not have to grow up managing this disease on his own. To learn more about Asher’s story, the Costello’s experience with the JDRF and Hutchinson, please click here.

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Hutchinson’s Involvement with JDRF

Every year since 1990, Hutchinson HVAC has hosted a JDRF walk that raises money to one day find a cure for Type 1 diabetes. Not only does the JDRF walk raise funds, it also builds awareness. Families affected by this disease are now able to join together and share their experiences in dealing with Type 1 diabetes. Since Brian also works for Hutchinson, we have combined our efforts to raise more funds and awareness within the community. Now Team Hutchinson and Team Asher are one in the same. The goal is to find a cure. This year the annual walk will be held on Sunday October 22, 2017 at 8 a.m., and we encourage the community to attend! Click here for more information.

In addition to the annual JDRF walk, Hutchinson invites their friends to like their Facebook page to unlock “Hutchinson Badges of Courage” to show support for Asher. For every “like”, Hutchinson will donate $1.00 and then increase the donation amount to $2.00 after the “likes” reach 5,000. Now, helping to find a cure is easy. You “like”, Hutchinson donates, and will give away prizes for our prized possession, Asher!

To learn more about Hutchinson, our involvement in finding a cure for Type 1 Diabetes, and how you can help, please do not hesitate to give us a call 866-953-8728.

About the JDRF

The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) was founded in 1970 and has a commitment to those affected by Type 1 diabetes (T1D) and their families to not only find, prevent and treat the autoimmune disease, but to one day find a cure. The foundation was initially started as an advocate for juvenile diabetes because the disease was commonly found in young children, however as the years have passed the JDRF has grown as adults and children alike are equally affected by Type 1 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body’s own immune system attacks the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas. This attack leaves the pancreas with little or no ability to produce insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar. This requires T1Ds to constantly monitor their blood sugar levels each and every day, for the rest of their lives. Astonishingly, to this day, doctors are still uncertain as to the exact causes and triggers of Type 1 diabetes.

Together, with the community and the JDRF, we can help those living with Type 1 diabetes live longer, happier, healthier lives as we wait for a cure.
